Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mini LAPO Report

Played two entry flights to the L.A. Poker Open (LAPO) event #12 a few weeks back.  Didn't play particularly fantastic, but the tournament was indeed a turbo and I can't be too hard on myself for failing to accumulate and busting out in both flights in short order.

My first starting table was fairly soft, until all the soft players busted and then I got a few decent regs who came in and made it all but impossible to get frisky.   

Based on his play, I would not put the fellow to my immediate left in the category of a decent regular.  His name was Lance, I knew that because he did the whole awkward introduction handshake thing that you run into at the tables sometimes.  He talked a whole hell of a lot, nice guy, but rather annoying after about 20 minutes of non-stop chatter.  Finally he simmered down a bit.He was drinking the entire time.  He didn't do anything special poker wise, except speculate badly and spew off down to a nub of a stack.

Then another guy, don't remember his name, younger, showed up on my right and he knew Lance and they both got super chatty and reminisced about their days on the tournament circuit, talking about all the fun they had, all the women, all the big cashes - Lance said his biggest was 300K, the the other guy said his biggest was 500K on the WPT.

Whatever.  Neither of these guys impressed me with their play.  Lance continued to stack off and he was gone within an hour.  The other guy luckboxed huge - twice.  AIPF with  his QQ he binked a Q on the river to drag a monster pot - and did the same thing later with 1010 vs. JJ.  Then he woke up with Aces not once, twice, but three times and got paid every time.  His stack was gargantuan when I finally busted.

So as I said, Lance didn't impress me too much.  He drank a lot at the table, he was a bit of a goofball.

Then I saw this.

Yep, that's him in third place for 100K plus in the LAPO main.

Sure enough, his personal Hendon mob page shows multiple six figure scores including the 300K one he talked about.

The lesson?  Stop trying to make correct decisions and start drinking heavily. Easy game.


Remember that I do this for fun, on a part time basis.  As drunk and as bad as Lance seemed, his stories involved his struggles to provide for his family by playing poker.  When the stakes are that high, a human being finds a way - no matter how absurd he might seem at first.


I probably have very little poker left in me in 2013, I have my home game tournament on Saturday and then after that I may or may not squeeze in a home cash game to socialize before Christmas.  I will likely be working through most of the holiday break and will probably have an opportunity to make one or two local daily tournaments at Commerce or the Bike before the year ends or just after.

In any event, it looks like I will finish the year up just over 2K, which is a very satisfying result, especially after being stuck not much less than that last year.

2014 is looking bright as well, as I have booked a 4 day Vegas weekend in February to gamble it up in the Venetian Deep Stack as well as some other local dailies.  Can't wait for that!